Periodical printed edition (journal)
ISSN 2308-8877
Registration certificate PI No. FS 77-79357 dated 16.10.2020 (previously PI No. FS 77 - 66379 dated 14.07.2016 and PI No. FS 77-54416 dated 10.06.2013)
DOI: 10.34220/2308-8877
ISSN: 2308-8877.
Scientific journal.
The journal has been published since 2013.
The founder is Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G. F. Morozov» in Voronezh.
4 journal issues are come out annually, and about 100 articles are published.
The journal is included in American Ulrichs database of periodicals and continuing publications.
The journal is registered by Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications.
The registration certificate of PI №. FS77-79357 dated 16.10.2020.
The subscription index of Agency «Book-Service» for the union catalog «Press of Russia» is 79113.
The publication of articles is carried out according to the plan of publications and priority.
Four issues of the journal are published annually. Each article is reviewed by the editorial board and is subjected to mandatory review. If necessary, experts from other scientific organizations are involved in the consideration of articles. On average, the publication period for a scientific article is 2-3 months. The publication of an article is made only after a positive decision of the editorial board and reviewing.
The editors can additionally involve a reviewer in the relevant field.
The editorial board can return the article for revision. The returned article for revision must be carefully edited and all comments have been removed in it, but no later than two weeks from the date of sending the comments. If the revised article is not received on time, the article is excluded from the publication plan.
Before submitting an article, we recommend checking the material in the Antiplagiat system. The author of the submitted article is responsible for the revealed plagiarism and borrowing.
Lecturers of universities, specialists, doctoral students, postgraduates, undergraduates, students, managers and specialists of regional and municipal authorities, as well as all persons showing interest in the problems under consideration are invited as the authors.
Publication languages: Russian, English.
«Current directions of scientific research of the XXI century: theory and practice».
The journal «Current directions of scientific research of the XXI century: theory and practice» publishes scientific and review articles on topical issues of economics and management of the national economy.
Articles in the journal are grouped into the following sections:
- Functioning and development of regional economy
- Innovation perspective on the development of social and economic systems
- Economics of entrepreneurship: theory and practice point of view
- Environmental economics
- Modern technologies of management
- Actual directions of development of the forestry complex
- Research in the field of effective development and efficiency of functions of industrial enterprises and organizations
- Economic and mathematical modeling in solving fundamental and applied problems.
The list of categories may change depending on the subject of articles accepted for publication in a particular journal issue.